Beware of the wolf wearing Granny's nightdress!

How the Social Worker would like you to see them!

Before you think that this is going to be rant about ALL Social Workers, it is most categorically not. There has been plenty of bad press about Social Workers, probably due to the nature of the job that they do, and yes, there are bad Social Workers out there (in the same way that there are bad teachers, bad mechanics and bad drivers!) but there are also good Social Workers! In fact, I have several friends who are Social Workers and fully appreciate how difficult their jobs can be, both professionally and personally. There is the fact that they are dealing with people's lives, particularly children's lives (and, undoubtedly, some horrific situations), the endless mounds of paperwork, difficult clients, and there is also the constant travelling from one visit or meeting to another.

Our involvement came after the Evil Queen coerced the boy Step-Munchkin into making false allegations to the Police about his father threatening him. During his "voluntary" interview at the Police Station, Prince Charming gave the interviewing officers a diary of disclosures that his children had made about the Evil Queen and her mother. This was not out of spite, as we had been keeping this diary for months, but purely because we hadn't seen the children in nearly a month and could not be satisfied about their safety.

The children were then made subject to a PPO (Police Protection Order) which meant that the Police removed them to a place of safety which was Prince Charming's mother's home. On the following day we received a phone call from the Social Worker, who had been involved with the case for three weeks but have never bothered contacting us, which would could only be described as threatening and aggressive.

She informed us that, if we did not meet with her demands, she would return the children to their mother, which she did anyway (twenty four hours before the PPO was finished, and without any consultation with the Police). We attempted to do this (which cost us nearly £100 in taxis and fuel which she also refused to reimburse) but she still returned the children anyway.

However, being the reasonable (and, somewhat stupidly, trusting) people that we are, we agreed to meet with her in our home! She arrived, and her whole attitude was somewhat different. She agreed that the Evil Queen needed psychological help and support, and that her demands were also unreasonable. She even regaled us with tales of her childhood in which her father had hung her from door handles by her plaits (which is completely unacceptable from a Social Worker, although she has since apologised through a third party!).

Her suggestions were that a Working Agreement should be proposed between both Prince Charming and the Evil Queen, and that she would facilitate this...the main argument being that the current Child Arrangements Order was not working. (See previous post about Consent Orders).

We proposed new arrangements, which she ignored until challenged, and then claimed that Prince Charming was being unreasonable in refusing to collect the children from Nursery and School...despite the fact that he works from 9.00am to 5.30pm in order to pay the Evil Queen's Spousal Maintenance! So we awaited the outcome of her assessment...

And then it came! To say we were astounded, disgusted and sickened by the assessment would be somewhat of an understatement! Not only had everything we said been ignored, everything that was factual had been recorded inaccurately...and the rest of the report consisted entirely of lies!

So we complained....and we complained...and we are still complaining over a year later. The Council are ignoring us time after time, giving excuse after excuse and generally fobbing us off in the hope that we will go away...but we won't. Our evidence is water-tight and we will fight until the end!

Today we discovered that this so-called Social Worker is not registered with the HCPC, which is a legal requirement - therefore she has either removed herself from the register to avoid a disciplinary hearing on her Fitness to Practice...or she was never registered in the first place - Watch this space for further news!

Birmingham City Council, a message to you...your Children's Services is a joke! If you cannot see why Ofsted rated you as inadequate...why so many children have died under your so-called supervision...and why so many other children are suffering, you need to hang your head in shame.

This is not the end, and neither is this even half of the story...but there are some things better said elsewhere. However, we will see this through to the bitter end and that's a promise!



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